National ID a Big Brother program used to crush independent farmers

2022-08-08 07:29:52 By : Ms. Grace He

With the recent recalls, there’s been talk in Washington about bringing back a Big Brother government program that has devastated independent farmers: National Identification. Originally introduced in 2006, the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) was allegedly put in place to curtail diseases and bacteria in animal products after the Mad Cow Disease outbreak. Of course, this was a lie peddled by politicians who take check after check from Big Ag.

The original NAIS program wasn’t written by policymakers or real farmers for that matter. It was designed by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture, a cabal of agricultural elites and multinational corporations that include Cargill, Monsanto, Tyson and more. This policy wasn’t written to keep Americans safe, it was written to line the pockets of Big Ag while screwing over independent farmers across Missouri.

Independent farmers would pay anywhere from $1 to $20 for each animal they have to tag, while vertically integrated factory farms would only need to tag one animal in each lot. This means the massive corporations running these factory farms, often in boardrooms in other countries, would save anywhere from $1 to $20 per animal compared to smaller farmers. In other words, they’d save a fortune while independent farmers are bled dry.

And the real joke of it all is that this wouldn’t make our food any safer. Any farmer can tell you that. NAIS only tracks an animal from birth to death. Once the processing starts, there’s no tracking involved. But food contamination often occurs at processing plants, not at farms. Take the baby formula crisis at the Abbott factory — we know they weren’t raising the cattle in their Michigan factory, where the salmonella outbreaks originated. And the real kicker here is that a majority of food contamination occurs in large, vertically integrated factory farms. Which means this whole NAIS thing is just a distraction: By forcing small family farms to take on the brunt of costs, Big Ag can force them out of business, avoid any real scrutiny, and keep paying off their political puppets in Washington to do their bidding. We’re going to lose another generation of independent farmers here in Missouri if we don’t stand up to these monopolistic forces.

I’ve met with farmers across the state of Missouri, and they’re rightly pissed off. Should this rule be reinstated, the companies coming in and stripping our communities for parts would save money on the backs of the people whose livelihoods they’re ruining. The political elites in Washington have no problem handing over the power to these massive corporations, because they’re not the ones who have to live with the consequences.

And the consequences are dire. When independent farmers drove our agricultural production, our food supply chain was stronger and more secure, the money stayed in local communities instead of being sucked out and sent to the coasts and across the ocean — heck, our farmers could look over their fence and see the people they were feeding as opposed to some corporate boardroom executive who’s never worked an honest day in their life.

Big Ag has spent years screwing over independent farmers in an effort to preserve their bottom line. And most importantly, they’ve bought off nearly every politician in Washington to make it easier to do it. I’m running for Senate because I’m tired of Washington politicians handing over power to big corporations and letting them make decisions for working people. When I’m in the Senate, I’ll stand up to the corporations that crush independent farmers, and I’ll take back power for the real Missourians who provide for their communities. I will fight the political elites in Washington to prevent NAIS at every turn, and I will fight to get Missouri farmland out of the hands of foreign corporations and back in the hands of Missouri farmers.

Lucas Kunce is a Marine veteran and a Democratic candidate for Missouri's U.S. Senate seat.